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Jiřího Orság - absence on World Championschip in Paris

PUBLISHED: 01/12/2011

jirka-orsag-prosinec-2011.jpgAs I wrote before to European Championship to 23 years, I still have a problem with the wrist. Because of this I did not attend the World Championships in Paris, which unfortunately cost me the opportunity to gain place in the Olympic Games in London.

Subsequently, I decided that I will not go even to Test Event, held in December in London and I'd rather devote more time to regenerate. I did not want anything elaborate or speculate until I knew where the problem actually is.

After several examinations and visits to doctors it was discovered that I had a small cyst in the wrist, damaged cartilage and especially cracks in the ligament, which makes me the most problems.

I am now in the care of MD. Kebrleho Radek, who works for Surgery of the Hand in Vysoke Jizerou. (The problem I started to deal with Doc. Pavel Kolar, who concluded that the injury is so specific that he can not decide whether or not the wrist to operate, and therefore sent me to specialists to Vysoka nad Jizerou).

Eventually it was decided that it will not need to operate and it will only deal with rehabilitation. Although it will take longer, but it's better than the encroach into operatively, when I've got enough time to regenerate.

We also got a special leather bandage with which I can begin to bother. All my workouts so far have only been in the style of BB. I have already tried weightlifting workout and it was quite, I managed 140/180, more we did not tried. Perhaps it could be something reasonable in order and I make a well-prepared for the April Championship, which will be in Turkey (Antalya).