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Report: XXtreme Nutrition Strongman Cup Modřany 2011

PUBLISHED: 19/09/2011

xx-strong-2011.jpg On August 13, 2011 at Prague, Sofia Square met a group of 11 strong men to measure their strength. The force was really measured and the event was called XXtreme Strongman Cup 2011.

They competed in the 5 following disciplines:
- Lifting logs 80, 100 and 120 kg
- Running with steel trunks
- Tire Flipping
- Super Joke
- Stairs forces

Quick Zoom disciplines:

Log Lift - discipline at the time, the competitor has 3 logs of 80, 100 and 120 kg. The judge is instructed to gradually rise over your head and keep there until the trial judge grants. Calculates the total time for which the competitor picks up all 3 logs.

Running with steel trunks - or Farmer's Walk - runs to 20 meter line, first in one direction with 220 kg (110 kg each case), then back with 300 kg (150 kg each case). It measures the time elapsed or distance.

Flipping tires - Tire Flip - tires weighing 500, 650 and 750 kg has to be tipped over on the other hand, in the shortest possible time. If the competitor fails to rewind all the tires, counts the time tires last inverted.

Super Trapeze - Super Yoke - running to 20m with steel structure weighing 350 kg. Again, measure time or distance, if the runner didn't beats a track in the allotted time.

Stairs forces - 3 steel weights 190 kg, 210 kg and 240 kg should be given on the 4th, 3rd and 2 step. It decides the time or the last time elevated stone.

The competition was accompanied by variable weather began to frown heaven, then when flipping tires was rainy, but ultimately lit the sun and attract back some viewers, who fled to hide from the rain.

The rain was uncomfortable for some competitors who complicated their discipline. Compliance with the rules was supervised by a professional strongman competition Honza Šalata.

Results - final:
1. Michal Tichý
2. Tomáš Vicherek
3. Čestmír Šíma
4. Pavel Zadražil
5. František Bauer
6. Jakub Smejkal
7. Jan Pluháček
8. Jiří Vytiska
9. Jiří Dejmal
10. Jaroslav Kopecký
11. Marián Zvrtek

Despite the fact that this was an amateur league competition, met with many viewers and friends of strongman disciplines, including professional athletes and strongman Czech legends.

We look forward to the next Strongman competition.

You can find video from the competition here!

Photogallery XXtreme Strongman Cup 2011: